North Andover Breakers & Panels
Same-Day Service in Surrounding Areas of Essex County & New Hampshire
Safe, reliable electricity requires a properly functioning electrical panel and circuit breakers. If the panel is outdated or breakers are malfunctioning, they may need repair or replacement. Joe’s Electrical has more than 20 years of industry experience to resolve virtually any problem with breakers and panels.
If you suspect a problem with a circuit breaker or electrical panel, call (978) 320-3578 for fast and accurate service.
Electrical Panels & Circuit Breakers
The circuit breakers and electrical panel are essential for power distribution to the various outlets, switches, appliances, and electronics in your home. The main electrical panel contains the circuit breaker switches that deliver power to specific areas of the home. The breakers are designed to trip in the event of an overload or power surge to protect against damage to your appliances and devices, electrical shock, and fire.
Normally, when a breaker trips, you can just flip the switch to reset it. This may happen for a number of reasons, such as a power surge or having too many things plugged into the circuit. You can solve this problem by moving some devices to another circuit. If you don’t have enough outlets to accommodate the devices in a room, you may need to have additional circuits or outlets installed.
However, if the circuit breaker continues to trip or won’t reset, the breaker may need to be replaced. If you have circuits that are frequently tripping, it’s best to have a professional electrician take a look. The problem could be a short circuit, ground fault, or corrosion. If the problem is confined to one circuit breaker, that breaker may need to be replaced.
The main electrical panel is the box that holds all the circuit breakers. Electrical panels in older homes were manufactured at a time when homes had fewer appliances and none of the modern electronics and devices that are common in our homes now. These older panels with 60-amp or 100-amp service may not be sufficient for meeting your power demand.
The electrical panel may need to be replaced when you notice:
- Lights flickering
- The panel is warm to the touch
- Burn or scorch marks on outlets or the panel
- Popping or hissing noises
- A burning odor
- Appliances overheating
Concerns about electrical panels and circuit breakers require a qualified electrician. An experienced electrician can inspect your breakers and panels in North Andover to detect any issues that need to be repaired and make sure the panel is in good condition and supplying enough power to meet your requirements. If there is a problem, the breakers or entire panel may need to be replaced.
Phillip Chevalier“I will definitely be calling Joe for all electrical work going forward.”
Call for Fast, Safe Electrical Services
Joe’s Electrical employs qualified electrical specialists with broad professional and personal experience in all areas of our industry. We embrace new and emerging technologies to deliver the best quality products and services for our customers. If you need help with a breaker or your electrical panel, call for fast and accurate electrical service.
Give us a call today at (978) 320-3578 for expert services for your circuit breakers or electrical panel.
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